We've written about Portland for Everyone before, here and here when they made their debut with stolen artwork, and now apparently they have some treats in store. Free food! Never mind that the munchies likely will be sponsored by Vic Remmers and Everett Custom Homes (Portland for Everyone underwriters), and perhaps other teardown darlings wreaking destruction across our city, throwing away unique well-built homes to build market-rate units unaffordable to many.
Hopefully those snacks won't be laced with the lead and asbestos that Remmers and the other teardown developers regularly unleash on neighbors, but the swag has a cost: You will be urged to testify against your interests, your city, and your neighborhood by embracing a plan to increase demolitions beyond even current record-breaking levels.
Eat up, but look beyond the slick slide show and the feel-good promises. All you have to do is check out the masthead for the group and you'll see that front and center is an illegal AirBnB that rents for $160/night. The place looks cute, but at $4,800/month it sure isn't for "Everyone."
What's happening now
The Portland Land Matters blog explores citywide land-use concerns, such as demolitions of viable affordable housing and other symptoms of irresponsible growth, with the belief that development should create an improvement for all.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Monday, October 31, 2016
This round of testimony, see if you can spot the engineering
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This Halloween, let the RIP rest in peace. |
Dunno if they were paid actors, but I remember at the time scratching my head and wondering where all these suddenly passionate advocates of teardown construction were coming from. Turns out at least some weren't from Portland at all. There was, for example, the Esco engineer Clinton Wood, who opined long and hard about how he simply could not find any housing in Portland that fit his needs—this in a roomful of Portlanders who had somehow managed it.
The application for the award of "best government affairs effort" is full of inaccuracies, namely that Portland has very little available land (in fact, according to city officials, we have twice as much as we need to meet growth projections until 2035) and that the tax would restrict building affordable housing (now that the demo tax is long dead, we should have seen some of that elusive affordable housing already), but the meat of it is the great pains the HBA took to sway City Council with seemingly authentic voices from the ground level. In the HBA's words:
"Since Portland prides itself on being progressive, the HBA engineered a testimonial lineup that featured a leading housing/economics professor from Portland State University – the training ground for most of the city planners, an expectant mother seeking to tear-down her existing home and rebuild but could not afford an additional $25,000, a gay gentlemen [sic] who had recently adopted a son with his husband hoping to move their new family back into Portland but realized that the tax would hinder the chances of finding an affordable home, and an African-American retiree living in a rapidly gentrifying area of the city who understood that any tax would hinder the value of his “nest egg” and was not fair to him and other long-time residents that had seen that neighborhood through from the 'tail to the top.'"As we approach testimony time for the latest HBA dream in the guise of the Residential Infill Project (or RIP), prepare for more gaming of the system and keep an ear out for flash recruits to the pro-demolition cause. Even better, be the honest voice of the Portland resident, and tell City Council what you think about the RIP recommendations that would exponentially increase demolitions and the uncontrolled release of hazardous materials, loss of tree canopy, and more.
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Nancy Thorington (center) leads a city subcommittee that's meant to address hazmat fallout during demolition. During this early September meeting, however, she said "we can't" 16 times. |
These guerrilla efforts are slowing sales, and reducing motivation to send to the landfill well-built unique housing that's served generations of Portlanders.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
It's a long way from conceptual to actual, and the devil may be in lack of detail
Some illuminating questions and answers have come out of the open houses dedicated to proposals brought about by the Residential Infill Project (more info and background here).
Among the queries heard from the keen audience at the East Portland Neighborhood Office event:
• "Is this the proposal for developers or for homeowners?"
Small setbacks spur creative response
Roseway neighbors who in the wake of new construction faced a window staring into their breakfast nook devised this privacy screen:
Among the queries heard from the keen audience at the East Portland Neighborhood Office event:
• "Is this the proposal for developers or for homeowners?"
• "I have $90,000 in student loans, is there anything in this proposal that would help me afford a house?"
I did not hear how the first query was answered, but for the second, planning chief Joe Zehnder said the proposals will not help with affordability.
The building bonanza of the last several years has seen housing prices skyrocket, further proof you can't build your way to affordability (even more proof: New York City). You can, however, make creative use of the vacant land that remains—as the planning department reported, we have twice as much as we need to meet density goals until 2035. In the meantime, let's adapt solid old buildings for new uses, and treat the vacant sites as opportunities to show new development can benefit the entire community. Wouldn't we all love additional great neighborhoods to live in and explore?
Even more worrying for the loan-burdened student at the East Portland event, if we continue to lose single-family homes at such an astonishing rate, there will be ever fewer of them available to buy. The city's current demo-favorable policies decrease the type of housing that respondents in a Metro study overwhelmingly favored: the good old detached home. Read on for stats about places whose streetscapes are dominated by single-family homes and yet they're not dumping them into landfills because "in density we trust."
One of Portland's dense new buildings that went up in a hurry recently caught fire, just three years after opening. The fire, according to the news report, "disabled the complex's fire detection systems." Eighty residents were displaced, but are probably counting themselves lucky.
Neighbors dig into data
Patrick Hilton of Citylove crunched the numbers the city gives for population forecasts and desirable density increases. Slides from a recent presentation show some of his findings. He found we already have sufficiently dense neighborhoods—even higher than what seems to be the city's target—so why keep demolishing already?
I did not hear how the first query was answered, but for the second, planning chief Joe Zehnder said the proposals will not help with affordability.
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City planners Morgan Tracy (left) and Joe Zehnder take questions at the East Portland Neighborhood Office on July 13, one of several outings for proposals issuing from the Residential Infill Project. |
Even more worrying for the loan-burdened student at the East Portland event, if we continue to lose single-family homes at such an astonishing rate, there will be ever fewer of them available to buy. The city's current demo-favorable policies decrease the type of housing that respondents in a Metro study overwhelmingly favored: the good old detached home. Read on for stats about places whose streetscapes are dominated by single-family homes and yet they're not dumping them into landfills because "in density we trust."
One of Portland's dense new buildings that went up in a hurry recently caught fire, just three years after opening. The fire, according to the news report, "disabled the complex's fire detection systems." Eighty residents were displaced, but are probably counting themselves lucky.
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Courtesy Patrick Hilton/Citylove |
Neighbors dig into data
Patrick Hilton of Citylove crunched the numbers the city gives for population forecasts and desirable density increases. Slides from a recent presentation show some of his findings. He found we already have sufficiently dense neighborhoods—even higher than what seems to be the city's target—so why keep demolishing already?
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Courtesy Patrick Hilton/Citylove |
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Courtesy Patrick Hilton/Citylove |
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Courtesy Patrick Hilton/Citylove
Roseway neighbors who in the wake of new construction faced a window staring into their breakfast nook devised this privacy screen:
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Courtesy Randel Perkins |
Monday, June 27, 2016
We've got 1000 questions for 1000 Friends
Fox News is contacting local activists for a coming exposé focusing on the ironies of our "green" city—tossing old-growth homes full of character and craftsmanship in the landfill, mowing down mature trees, and unleashing plumes of hazardous materials across neighborhoods. Why?
What's even harder to believe are the recommendations coming out of the Residential Infill Project (actually, more the city staff's, but the group was capably led to the foregone conclusions—something astute observers picked up on right away). After wonking out in an office building downtown for months, the developer-heavy group (surprise!) went beyond the mission of the project and decided to propose opening up much of the city to even more demolition; start reading from Page 12 here. Modest homes don't stand a chance in the face of a radical rezoning that allows a free-for-all of use. They will be plowed under in a second by those who speak "affordable housing" but really only want to mine real estate gold.
If "affordable housing" was what these developers crave to create, then let's see some already. It is difficult to give a nod to more construction when what is being built brings such outsize impacts and so little benefit to the neighborhoods. Antidemolition activists can point to a litany of code violations large and small; add to them the fallout of hazardous materials from mechanical demolition, unpaid fines (some are just factored into the pro forma, or never paid at all), lax oversight, noncompliance with code, and lack of accountability and there's reason for skepticism.
Opportunities exist to build better
The Urban Growth Boundary is not to blame. Again, there's that city study showing we have enough vacant land to meet density goals twice over until 2035. Even television news stations are tuning in to the fallacy that we need to demolish to make room, showing that there's plenty of vacant, buildable land within the UGB. It's just that developers would rather trash the lower-hanging fruit of smaller well-built homes in established and well-functioning neighborhoods. How about creating new exciting neighborhoods to live in and visit?! Let's bring quality and creativity back to our built landscape.
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Another Québécois trick for new construction: Save a historic, handsome facade, and build behind it (and another old- growth tree). |
It's hard to imagine that a group inspired by Tom McCall would embrace recommendations to further raze quality housing made of old-growth materials. What happened?!
McCall's not here to speak for himself, unfortunately, but a staunch preservationist as he was likely would be appalled that thousands of Portland homes were painted with bull's-eyes, just waiting to go to the landfill to make way for another MDF manse or plex. This was a guy who would have smirked at the projected influx of people moving to Portland and questioned the necessity of killing ourselves to put out the welcome mat.
Sunny-sounding group makes awkward start
Another group working PR for the developer-led recommendations out of the Residential Infill Project is the newly launched Portland for Everyone. Their first event is Wednesday and sold out. Apparently, Portland is for everyone but only the first 45 people. Why not show up anyway to show you care about your neighborhood?
Under the utopia envisioned by the recommendations (which by the way are making the open-house rounds and everyone should go to as many as possible; more background and details here) most everyone becomes an apartment renter, even when 80 percent of respondents in a Metro study said they wanted to live in a detached house.
One of the first things that Portland for Everyone did was swipe a local photographer's image to paste all over its website and other materials, without asking permission or god forbid paying to use it. For artists increasingly pinched by the cost of housing, that's gotta hurt. First, they lose their studios and places to live in a building bonanza; now they suffer theft of their artwork and livelihood.
Credibility and inclusion will play a large part in these coming conversations. Anyone undecided should weigh what the proponents and opponents have to gain or lose, and why they're involved in the first place.
Friday, April 22, 2016
How green was our city
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Courtesy Lisa Zap Kiraly |
Last spring, the city dithered over new demolition-delay rules to address neighbor outcry over record-breaking numbers of demolitions, with the promise that a year on, the rules would be revisited and fine-tuned if necessary. Of the dozen or so appeals that have been filed, not a single house has been saved. If the process for filing for the appeal was less onerous, and developers plying Portland had more heart in negotiations, perhaps the delay could help preserve some units of our rapidly disappearing store of affordable, unique, and well-built housing.
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Portland Hearings Officer Gregory Frank (second from right) listens to Concordia neighbors present their appeal for a demo delay in their neighborhood, a request that was granted in February. |
At last week's meeting of the Development Review Advisory Committee group tasked with demo-delay follow-up, the Office of Neighborhood Involvement's Paul Leistner delivered a rousing speech in favor of "participatory democracy" even while delivering the sad news that it may not be until July that Portlanders can be assured streamlined and timely notice on what's coming down in their neighborhoods. Six months ago, nearly the same discussion occurred.
Bravo to the neighbors who brave the demo-delay process, because it's our only tool until we forge a better one. Tell City Council how you wish it could be more effective, for example by restoring the 120-day delay Portlanders used to have at their disposal to save affordable homes, and all the good stuff that comes with them (trees, open space, craftsmanship, to name a few). The longer amount of time would help encourage developers to the negotiating table, and provide enough time to effect a sale. In one demo-delay case, the would-be buyers simply ran out of time to consummate the deal, and the house was lost.
Change is in the air
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Courtesy Eastside Portland Air Coalition |
With hundreds of Portlanders enraged about the toxic "hot spots" cropping up in their neighborhoods, and hundreds more in the fallout zones around homes demolished by mechanical means, public health and safety moves to the fore. There's more about Brockovich's talk here, along with additional scenes from the well-organized and packed event that took over the aptly named Revolution Hall.

Pirates keep plying
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A gang of three (from left), Jeff Fish, Nancy Thorington, and Maryhelen Kincaid, eases the way for teardown builders. |
Fish, a former chairman of the committee, has its ear, and good friends, too, where he needs them. Here's what some of those friends are up to.
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Everett Custom Homes brings a triple dose of suburban style to Northeast Portland. Call it "Tualatine." |
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Yet more proof that suburbanites are working over Portland; sidewalks aren't for walking, right? |
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Erosion concerns are here. |
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Three walls and you're out: Randy Sebastian socks it to 'em on Northeast Fremont. |
Monday, February 29, 2016
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Comment tampering takes the cake [updated]
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As a board (and full disclosure: I'm on it) we worked hard last fall to submit comment, as requested by city staff, on changes proposed under the Bureau of Planning's Mixed Use Zones Project. It took us some weeks, and several drafts, but we finally submitted a letter on Nov. 16 that outlined our vision for Northeast Fremont Street, the thoroughfare that serves our neighborhood (and many others).
It happened that our vision differed from the one the city was proposing.
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Art at Oregon College of Art & Craft could be interpreted as a message for Portlanders from their planners. |
At the time of writing our comment, some members of our board argued that we shouldn't just criticize the proposals at hand, but should also praise the planners for what we saw that was good and useful in the proposals. Boy, did that backfire.
Planners behind the Mixed Use Zones Project gathered all the public comment received, whether from individuals or city-blessed (we thought) groups like ours, into a single massive document. We were stunned to discover our comment significantly altered; about all that was left was the positive things, but nothing about our concrete suggestions for Fremont, or even what we had learned that would be useful in planning Fremont's future (for example: TriMet planners told us there would be no frequent service for transit along Fremont in the foreseeable future, certainly a factor in planning development there).
Other deletions, as listed by BWNA's land use chair:
• Our stated strong opposition to CM-2 zoning for Northeast Fremont -- GONE
• Our sentence re: the Fremont corridor being poorly served by public transit -- GONE
• Our "gotcha" where we found the planners had changed the wording of CM-2 criteria from well served by frequent transit to just well served by transit -- GONE
• The unsuitability of the infrastructure on Fremont to support high-density development, such as narrowness of the street and other factors – GONE
• A reference to our having submitted comments in the past but having them basically ignored -- GONE
• A mention that we had in fact worked with our liaison Nan Stark but apparently to no avail -- GONE
This wasn't some sloppy copy-and-paste that left much of our neighborhood's comment on the cutting room floor; this was a paragraph-by-paragraph careful excision of information and well-researched conclusions that ensured a silenced voice in how "we" plan this city.
For all of you who also submitted comment on various proposals related to city planning—whether online, by letter, or in other forms—has your voice been heard? How would you know?
[Update: The response from the Bureau of Planning:
Dear Ms. Strunk and Mr. Bookwalter [the authors of the Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Association comment]:
It has come to my attention that the Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Association (B-WNA) is concerned that Bureau of Planning and Sustainability staff has “tampered” with comments submitted by the association on the Mixed Use Zones Discussion Draft (http://portlandlandmatters. blogspot.com/2016/01/comment- tampering-takes-cake.html). Please let me clarify what happened and attempt to address any misunderstandings.
BPS staff compiled comments from the public, advisory committee (PAC) members, and technical advisors into a spreadsheet, primarily for internal staff review of issues and further analysis. We have kept the original comments from B-WNA and others in our records as well. In that compilation process, some comments were summarized for brevity or in some cases to consolidate issues. However, the intent was to capture the main points of the comments in a summary spreadsheet document. That spreadsheet was shared with the PAC (and public in attendance) at the meeting on 12-16-15 to give them a sense of the content, range and volume of comments staff received on the Discussion Draft. We acknowledge that some of the details in the original B-WNA Discussion Draft comments were not fully included in the spreadsheet summary, and I apologize for any misunderstanding this has created.
In terms of the B-WNA Discussion Draft comments, it is project staff’s understanding that BWNA strongly opposes the CM2 zoning that is being proposed via the output of the MUZ conversion table; B-WNA believes the CM2 zone is not appropriate for a number of reasons (lack of frequent transit and other services, the character of surrounding area, the width of Fremont Street, etc.), and that B-WNA believes that the CM1 zone is a more appropriate zoning choice for this location on NE Fremont. The B-WNA letter also brings up concerns about changes in the zone characteristics language, and acknowledges issues the B-WNA supports, such as parking requirements for areas that lack frequent transit service, and new rules for height measurements.
Given the concerns you raise about the summary spreadsheet passed out on 12-16-15 and in order to be as transparent as possible, BPS will post all the MUZ Discussion Draft comments, as submitted, to the BPS Mixed Use Zones web page. We will also notify the PAC so that they can review the entire set of comments.
I would be happy to meet with you to discuss the B-WNA comments and concerns further. Please feel free to contact me directly if you wish to set up a meeting.
Thank you for your ongoing participation in the Comprehensive Plan Update and Mixed Use Zones Project.
Barry Manning
Barry Manning | Senior Planner
barry.manning@portlandoregon. gov]
Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
1900 SW 4th Avenue #7100, Portland, OR 97201
A few observations:
• Nothing on the cover of the bureau's document of compiled comment says anything about the content being "edits," "highlights," "summary," "main points," or "consolidation." Even if it did, the surgical editing of the BWNA comment to take out criticism and leave in all the praise speaks for itself.
• The members of the public advisory committee, technical advisors, and planning staff are decision makers, or at least proposal drafters, who would benefit from reviewing unedited comment from stakeholders, such as directly affected and locally knowledgeable neighborhood associations.
• Will anyone go to the website and read all the comment posted there, as now pledged by the bureau? How will we know what other comment is not appearing in its entirety?
• These are not "misunderstandings."
• We stand by the evidence as printed.
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